DJ tips 9 common DJ issues and how to deal with them From conflict with other DJs and venue staff, to equipment failure and being treated like a jukebox, we outline strategies for overcoming some of the job's biggest challenges.
DJ tips How to find (or change) your DJ style Defining your music and performance style is both the most exciting and the most important step in building a lasting DJ career.
DJ tips A complete guide to building a DJ career From press photos, biographies and logos, to your online presence and long-term vision, we begin an in-depth look at "everything else" when it comes to DJing.
DJ culture Your top 5 articles from our blog this year Managing your music like a pro, building a DJ booth at home, and mixing on “dumb DJ gear” were among your favorite topics in 2024.
DJ tips 9 common DJ issues and how to deal with them From conflict with other DJs and venue staff, to equipment failure and being treated like a jukebox, we outline strategies for overcoming some of the job's biggest challenges.
DJ tips How to find (or change) your DJ style Defining your music and performance style is both the most exciting and the most important step in building a lasting DJ career.
DJ tips A complete guide to building a DJ career From press photos, biographies and logos, to your online presence and long-term vision, we begin an in-depth look at "everything else" when it comes to DJing.
DJ culture Your top 5 articles from our blog this year Managing your music like a pro, building a DJ booth at home, and mixing on “dumb DJ gear” were among your favorite topics in 2024.
DJ tips A DJ’s guide to mobile DJing If you're interested to know how this highly rewarding (and very demanding) area of the DJ world works, we've gathered the thoughts and advice of four mobile DJs at the top of their game.
DJ tips How to DJ all night long How should DJs approach the enormous opportunity and responsibility of playing all night long? Saoirse, Laurent Garnier, Jane Fitz and Dusky, four DJs accustomed to this unique challenge, tell us...
DJ culture Managing your mental health as a DJ What is status anxiety? How does social media negatively affect DJs? How do we find balance? We look at these questions and more with the music industry therapist and DJ Matt Cantor.
DJ tips 8 tips and tricks for all types of DJs We've picked 8 more of our favourite tips and tricks from DJ Mag’s How I DJ video series, covering the Slip mode, acapellas, intelligent playlists, and much more.